Saturday, November 28, 2009

The risk of developing diabetes.

I remember many years ago that my grandfather is always getting confined in the hospital. This resulted to the extreme agony of my grandmother due to the cause that their business is slowly in a downfall. In as much as I couldn't imagine that the doctor advised to cut my grandfather's leg in order for the disease not to spread more on the other parts of his body. I was filled with much pity and with mercy for my grandfather. His face making the expression of being extremely hurt is very clear to my sight that in fact, until now, I could clearly picture out.

For most, there are many people who are not aware that they are at risk of developing diabetes hence it is imperative for everybody to adopt a healthy lifestyle and undergo FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) check at regular intervals as their physicians recommend.

Study reveals that diabetes is a chronic disease caused by insulin deficiency or resistance and is characterized by disturbances in carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism. It is classified under Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or Type I and Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabeted Mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II.

Most cases of diabetes are strongly influenced by hereditary and other factors such as obesity, physiologic or emotional stress, pregnancy and orel contraceptives which increase levels of estrogen and placental hormones as well as other medications that are known insulin antagonists.

Symptoms of the disease include fatigue, frequent urination, excessive thirst, dry mucous membranes and poor skin condition, excessive desire to eat in IDDM and weight loss. Treatment among IDDM are injections of regular and NPH insulin and continuous subcutaneous insulin fusion (insulin pump). Treatments for NIDDMs consist of oral hypoglycemics that stimulate endrogenous insulin production and may also increase sensitivity at the cellular level.

Now, I've come to realize how tragically this disease has cause extreme sufferance to my grandfather. Good thing that I can protect myself ahead.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I tried it.

I thought I knew how to breathe slowly and fully, until I tried the Resperate, a device that uses musical sues to help you train your inhalations and reach the therapeutic rate of ten breaths per minute. During my first 15-minute session, I learned that I rarely, if ever, fully exhale.

The Resperate comes with a headset that plays timed chimes and a chest monitor that measures your inhalations. Follow the musical prompts and your breath will take on a slower tempo.

Designed to lower blood pressure (trials show that using it three time a week can relax the muscles surrounding small blood vessels, and reduce your blood pressure after a month), the Reperate is just as useful as a stressbuster. Try it before a meeting or to soothe your nerves before you sleep.

The Resperate showed me how to fully let go of my breath - and some pent-up stress. I was quickly hooked.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Plants to the rescue.

There are some solutions that would substitute if the availability is scarce. Just like this wise idea of using plants as a natural solution for your skin.

If you have problems with irritation and inflammation, it is best that you use Aloe Vera Gel. A German study found that aloe vera when applied to UV burns, eased inflammation better than a 1% hydrocortison gel. When using, you have to cut a leaf from the plant, squeeze some of the liquid onto your fingers, then apply it directly to your skin.

If you problem about acne and blemishes, you need tea tree oil. It has been noted out that study published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that a 5% tea tree oil gel reduced acne as effectively as a 5% benzoyl peroxide lotion, but with fewer side effects. All you need to do is to put one or two drops of the essential oil on a cotton swab then dab blemishes.

Furthermore, to prevent dry and scaly skin, you need Hazelnut oil. Similar to skin's natural oil, this lightweight moisturizer penetrated the upper layers of the epidermis. You just massage into skin right before bed to allow it to soak in overnight.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Help yourself. Try pilates.

I often do write. In fact, I write almost 12 hours a day and so, I suffer too much back pain. Good thing that I have read this article in a magazine, Natural Health - November 2008 Edition which help me a lot to gain back my strength after much back pain. It says that to get us started on a pain-prevention routine, Michele S. Olson, Ph.D., a professor of Physical Education and Exercise Science at the University of Alabama in Montgomery recommends pilates exercises. Here's how:
Come to your hands and knees and get into a push-up position: Align your hands under your shoulders, spread your finger for stability and straighten your arms. Then, come on to your toes, keeping you leg straight and your abdominals contracted. Keep your head, neck and spine aligned and gaze toward the mat. Keep your body on the same plane so there's a straight line form your head to your toes.

Inhale as you lift your leg as high as is comfortable, raising your heel toward the ceiling. Exhale and lower the leg. Repeat with the right leg. Keep your hips squared and pointed toward the mat at all times. Alternate lifting and lowering 8 to 12 times on each side to complete one set.

It is best recommended that you do a total of 3 sets several times a week.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Natural Fiber supplement makes taking fiber easier.

A new 100% natural fiber supplement that can be mixed with soft foods and non-carbonated beverages and can even be used for cooking - without altering the taste of consistency of foods - is now available in the Philippines.

A product of research-based Swiss healthcare company Novartis, Benefiber powder contains 1))% natural soluble fiber (wheat dextrin) which can help promote a healthy digestive system.

It is sugar-free, grit-free, does not thicken in food or liquid unlike some bulk fiber supplements. It dissolves quickly and completely in non-carbonated beverages and soft foods. In fact, when mixed with a glass of water, it is undetectable.

Fiber: Essential part of a healthy diet

"Dietary fiver is an essential part of a healthy fiber and has many health benefits'" said Dr. Rosario Acosta, a private clinical nutrition specialist.

A high-fiber diet:

Soluble fiver lowers "bad cholesterol" reducing risk for cardiovascular disease;

Helps regulate blood sugar level retarding development of type 2 diabetes milletus;

Regulates appetite because it slows down transit time in the gut prolonging the feeling of satiety;

Helps prevent constipation and in loose bowel movement, helps add bulk to the stool and lowers risk of digestive conditions such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease (development of small pouches in the colon) - although this is a characteristic more attributable to insoluble fiber.

"A high-fiber diet is indispensable to fitness and health. I encourage all Filipinos to make fiber-rich foods a regular part of their daily meals," said Cynthia Carrion, Department of Tourism (DOT) undersecretary for sports, tourism and wellness.

A health and fitness advocate, Carrion is a recipient of the personal Trainer of the Year award given at the 25th IDEA World Fitness Convention held last Aug. 12-16 in Anaheim, California.

Braking down dietary fiber

Dietary fiber refers to the edible parts of plants or carbohydrates that can't be digested. Fiber is in plant foods. including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. A form of fiber called chitin is present in the shells of crustaceans such as crabs, lobsters and shrimps.

There are two main forms of dietary fiber. Soluble fiber slows digestion and helps the small intestines absorb nitrated from food. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool, helping it pass more quickly through the large intestines.

Most plant foods contain some of each kind of fiber. Foods containing high levels of soluble fiber include dried beans, oats, oat bran, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, peas and potatoes.

Foods high in insoluble fiber include wheat bran, whole grains, cereals, seeds and the skin of many fruits and vegetables.

Taking fiber made easier

"Benefiber is a healthy lifestyle choice and a natural way to integrate more fiber into people's daily diet. With its 100% natural formulation, Benefiber will definitely make taking fiber easier," said Joseph O'Neill, commercial director of Novartis Consumer Health OTC Business Unit for the Philippines and Singapore.

Celebrity chef and Bistro Filipino owner Rolando Laudico welcomed the flexibility of Benefiber to be cooked and mixed into practically hot or cold soft foods or liquids.

Benefiber Powder can be mixed with any hot or cold beverages such as water, coffee, or juice. It can be added to soft foods such as sauces, dips, pudding or yogurt or cooked with muffins, soups, main dishes, and desserts, among others. Each serving of Benefiber Powder provides three grams of dietary fiber.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Washing Instruction for Brassieries

I bought a new set of bra. I have read this instruction that is helpful when washing brassieries.

1. Hand wash undergarments in lukewarm or cold water separately using ordinary detergent.

2. Do not expose in direct sunlight.

3. Do not bleach or use hot water to avoid discoloration.

4. Dissolve the detergent in water; do not apply directly on the fabric as it may damage the fabric color.

5. Do not machine wash any padded brassieries.

6. Do not wring dry.

7. To avoid wrinkling, straigthen the fabric of the cup to its original shape and gently press with your palm.